My transformative journey into photographic distinctions began after an inspirational talk by Leigh Preston FRPS, EFIAP, MPAGB who opened the door to a world far beyond the realm of point, shoot, (and hope). This was furthered with enlightening days with both Leigh Preston and Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB who provided invaluable insights into the construction and fundamental truths behind a captivating image. They delved into the intricacies of composition, thirds, symmetry, and the nuanced relationships within an image. These were the missing elements that, once understood, became the key to unraveling the mystery behind the varying success of my photographs.

Distinctions emerged as a fast-track avenue for honing my craft, elevating my understanding of image capture, and serving as a benchmark for my work. They instilled focus, enhanced the quality of my images, and provided a motivating compass, directing me to explore new genres. The process of working towards distinctions taught me to approach photography thematically, allowing a comprehensive exploration of both subject matter and self.

The distinctions journey led me through two prominent UK bodies, the RPS, and the PAGB, along with FIAP for international salons. Each demands a distinct style and approach to achieving the awards. PAGB and FIAP distinctions are judged as individual images, while RPS distinctions are assessed as a cohesive panel of work, accompanied by a thoughtful written statement.

Entering the salons is a powerful platform to exhibit my work throughout the UK and globally. The process of entering competitions, gaining acceptance, and earning awards not only showcases my work but also serves as a constant source of motivation. It keeps my creativity fresh, improves the quality of my work, and propels me to continually capture images in anticipation of the next exhibition.

Through my lens, distinctions have not only become accolades but stepping stones in an ongoing journey of self-discovery, pushing the boundaries of my craft, and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the global photographic community.

The awards are in the order attained (in reverse order) - starting with CPAGB 

